As consumers, our wallets have the capacity to drive big societal changes and one of them is to help reduce our consumption carbon footprint.
If you are looking for plant-based and vegan foods and groceries, vegan health and nutrition supplements, vegan clothing & accessories, vegan beauty & skincare products, and vegan pet food and supplies, we'd appreciate you making that purchase through our online store.
As a vegan and plant-based family and community, we first try each product before listing it on this marketplace. Therefore, you as a buyer, get a curated list of vegan, and in many cases, 'earth friendly' products, which are tried, tasted/tested and recommended by long-time vegans.
Our goal is to invest a part of our revenues towards planting trees and creating a somewhat carbon-neutral impact of our consumption. Please register as a customer when you buy so we can keep you posted about our sustainability initiatives.
Anurag Sood & Ekaa Sood
Sonoma, California
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